Opening Hours

Tuesday – Saturday
10 am – 5 pm

Closed on public holidays

Register now for the upcoming guided tours in german! 

Guided tour Every Saturday at 11.00 am.

+43 662 276231‬

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Art as a Social Mirror

19 October 2024 until 27 September 2025  

Our new exhibition, REFLECTED. Art as a Social Mirror, highlights one of the central themes of the Böhme Collection—the depiction of society across different eras, particularly from the perspective of the Lost Generation.

The artists of this generation capture the social and political upheavals of their time in their work, from the aftermath of World War I and the founding of the republics to the rise of National Socialism, the devastation of World War II, and the post-war period.

Featuring around 40 artworks, the exhibition offers a glimpse into individual impressions on society. They also explore stereotypes, emotions, and significant moments in contemporary history through the eyes of the young generation of classical modernism. The exhibition is organized around four key themes: cityscapes from home and exile, scenes of public life such as café and bar settings, expressive portraits and politically charged works that offer unflinching commentary on their time.

REFLECTED. Art as a Social Mirror presents the Lost Generation’s diverse views on society, creating a vivid and dynamic portrayal of early 20th-century art. Join us in discovering a fascinating part of art history that has remained hidden until now!

A brochure with the same title will accompany the exhibition and will be available in the museum store and online shop from October 19, 2024.

Featured Artists (selection): Samson Schames, Reinhold Ewald, Karl Tratt, Heinrich Esser, Franz Frank, Eduard Dollerschell, Lene Schneider-Kainer, Georg Netzband, Rudolf Heinisch, Horst Strempel, Bruno Voigt.