Dynamischer Tanz. Gret Palucca (1902–1993) | um 1925
Dynamischer Tanz. Gret Palucca (1902–1993) | um 1925
Dynamischer Tanz. Gret Palucca (1902–1993) | um 1925

Dynamischer Tanz. Gret Palucca (1902–1993) | um 1925

Ottilie Johanna Wollmann

Berlin 1882 — 1944 Auschwitz

Little is known about the life of Ottilie Johanna Wollmann. She grew up in Berlin, where she later studied sculpture under Fritz Klimsch and Max Kruse. In 1911 a sculpture of hers was shown at the first exhibition of the Die Juryfreien association in Berlin. From 1923 to 1932, Wollmann regularly participated in the Great Berlin Art Exhibition. In 1929, Wollmann joined the Society of Women Artists of Berlin.


Artist works

Dynamischer Tanz. Gret Palucca (1902–1993) | um 1925
Dynamic Dance - Gret Palucca (1902-1993) | ca 1925
Bronzed plaster
26 x cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Ottilie Johanna Wollmann)

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