Stillleben | o. D.
Stillleben | o. D.
Die wilden Zwanziger | o. D.

Die wilden Zwanziger | o. D.

Hans Böttcher

1897 Berlin — 1986 Berlin

We are currently working on this biography. Our website is under development and continuously being updated. We thank you for your understanding.

Further information can be found in our collection catalogue “We haven’t seen each other for so long. Art of the Lost Generation. Böhme Collection”. This is available here.

Artist works

Die wilden Zwanziger | o. D.
The Wild Twenties | no date
Oil on pasteboard (?)
47 x 30 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Hans Böttcher)
Damenporträt | o. D.
Female Portrait | no date
Oil on paperboard
46 x 33.5 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Hans Böttcher)
Stillleben | o. D.
Still Life | no date
oil on cardboard
46 x 33.5 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Hans Böttcher)

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