Die Sünde | 1931
Die Sünde | 1931
Die Sünde | 1931

Die Sünde | 1931

Hans Breinlinger

1888 Konstanz — 1963 Konstanz

Hans Breinlinger came from a farming family in the state of Baden. He initially did an apprenticeship in photography and photographic retouching at the Vocational School in Constance. Then, from 1906 to 1908, he travelled to a variety of cities in France and germany working as a photographer. In 1910 he began to study at the Grand Ducal Academy of Arts in Karlsruhe in the class of Wilhelm Trübner. In 1918, Breinlinger returned wounded from the First World War.

Artist works

Männerporträt mit Hut | 1941
Portrait of a man with a hat | 1941
Oil on cardboard
70 x 49 cm
(Photo: Florian Stürzenbaum © Hans Breinlinger)
Die Sünde | 1931
Sin | 1931
Oil on paper on wood
68,5 x 50 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Hans Breinlinger)

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