Der Traum | 1967
Der Traum | 1967
Der Traum | 1967

Der Traum | 1967

Albert Reuss

1889 Vienna — 1975 Cornwall

Albert Reuss took painting and drawing lessons at the age of 14, but otherwise he was self-taught. When he was eighteen, he began working as an actor and operetta singer in Vienna, though he had to give up this career on account of ill health. From 1919 onwards, Reuss devoted himself to painting. In late 1925 he was able to take part in the 51st exhibition of the Hagenbund, a Viennese association of modern artists. From 1929 onwards, Reuss taught fashion drawing at the Viennese Professional College for the Clothing Trade (Fachlehranstalt für Bekleidungsgewerbe). In 1930, a patron enabled him to spend a year studying on the French Riviera. He later exhibited the works he painted there at the Würthle Gallery, and this was what led to his breakthrough as an artist. After the Nazis siezed power in 1933, Reuss’s Jewish heritage meant he was persecuted, and he emigrated to England in 1938.

Artist works

Selbstporträt | 1920
Self-portrait | 1920
Pen and ink on paper
26,9 x 19,3 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Albert Reuss)
Der Traum | 1967
The dream | 1967
Oil on canvas
78,5 x 67,5 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Albert Reuss)

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