Bildnis der Tochter Ingo de Croux-Albert (1911–1997) | ca. 50-er
Bildnis der Tochter Ingo de Croux-Albert (1911–1997) | ca. 50-er
Bildnis der Tochter Ingo de Croux-Albert (1911–1997) | ca. 50-er

Bildnis der Tochter Ingo de Croux-Albert (1911–1997) | ca. 50-er

Lou Albert-Lasard

1885 Metz (FRA) — 1969 Paris (FRA)

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Further information can be found in our collection catalogue “We haven’t seen each other for so long. Art of the Lost Generation. Böhme Collection”. This is available here.

Artist works

Notations Italie | um 1918/19
Notations Italie | um 1918/19
oil on artist‘s board
35 x 50 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer, © Lou Albert-Lasart)
We couldn't find the image
Bildnis der Tochter Ingo de Croux-Albert (1911–1997) | ca. 50-er
Portrait of the daughter Ingo de Croux-Albert (1911-1997) | ca. 1950s
oil on hardboard
65.5 x 48 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer, © Lou Albert-Lasard )

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Herrenporträt | 1942
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Heinz May
1878 - 1954
Stillleben mit Tulpen und Obst | 1920
Eugen Knaus
1900 - 1976
Sitzende Frau | o. D.
Bindel Paul
1894 - 1973
Stillleben mit Krügen | 1925
Erich Hartmann
1886 - 1974