Selection | o. D.
Selection | o. D.
Selection | o. D.

Selection | o. D.

Adolf Frankl

1903 Preßburg — 1983 Vienna

Adolf Frankl was the son of a Jewish merchant family in Pressburg in the Austro-Hungarian Empire (today Bratislava in Slovakia). Frankl initially trained as an interior decorator. Afterwards, he studied art at the School of Arts and Crafts in Pressburg with František Reichentál and Gustáv Mallý. He also worked on the side as a caricaturist and as a designer of advertising posters. Frankl set up an interior decorating business in 1937, but it was confiscated as part of the “Aryanisation” of Bratislava by the Nazis. On 28 September 1944, Frankl was arrested along with his wife, their two children and his brother-in-law. They were sent to the concentration camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau.


Artist works

Selection | o. D.
Selection | no date
Oil on canvas
46,5 x 57 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Bildrecht Wien 2022 )

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