Der Prophet | 1953
Der Prophet | 1953
Der Prophet | 1953

Der Prophet | 1953

Jakob Steinhardt

1887 Zerkow — 1968 Nahariya

Jakob Steinhardt was born in 1887 in Zerkow in the Province of Posen, the eldest of four children. After finishing high school, he was determined to become a painter. Thanks to help from Ludwig Kaemmerer, his portfolio was appraised by artists including Max Liebermann and Lovis Corinth, which resulted in Steinhardt being awarded a seven-year scholarship. He enrolled in the Academy of the Arts and Crafts Museum in Berlin in 1907 and also studied at the private art school run by Lovis Corinth. In 1907/08 he studied under Herrmann Struck, in whose studio he got to know Ludwig Meidner, who became a friend for life. In 1909 Steinhardt went to Paris to the Académie Julian, after which he attended the studio of Henri Matisse. It was here that Steinhardt became acquainted with Hans Purrmann and Rudolf Levy. In 1918, Steinhardt joined the Berlin Secession. He married Minni Gumpert in 1922. In April 1929, he was elected to the board of the Berlin Secession alongside Max Pechstein, Hans Purrmann, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff and Eugen Spiro.

Artist works

Häuser bei Mourillon | 1929
Houses at Mourillon | 1929
Oil on canvas
50,5 x 61 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Jakob Steinhardt)
Der Prophet | 1953
The prophet | 1953
Oil on paper on paperboard
45,5 x 33 cm
(Photo: Florian Stürzenbaum © Jakob Steinhardt )

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Selbstbildnis | o. D.
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1903 - 1972
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