Porträt Mela Kempinski (1884–1972) | 1933
Porträt Mela Kempinski (1884–1972) | 1933
Porträt Mela Kempinski (1884–1972) | 1933

Porträt Mela Kempinski (1884–1972) | 1933

Eugen Spiro

1874 Breslau — 1972 New York

Eugen was one of nine children. In 1892, he began studying under Albrecht Bräuer at the State Academy of Arts and Crafts in Breslau. In 1894 he enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, where he initially studied under Wilhelm von Lindenschmit the Younger and then under Franz von Stuck, who chose Spiro as one of his very first students in 1895. In 1897, Spiro became his master student and was allocated his own studio in the Villa Stuck. From 1899 to 1904 he worked as a portrait painter in his home town of Breslau. Spiro was a member of the Munich Secession from 1900 to 1933, and exhibited numerous paintings in Munich. He went to Berlin in 1904 and joined the Berlin Secession. He then moved to Paris in 1906, where he joined the artists who gathered in the Café du Dôme. It was in Paris that he got to know Hans Purrmann, with whom he remained close friends. Spiro taught at the Académie Moderne and was a co-founder of the Salon d’Automne.

Artist works

Porträt Mela Kempinski (1884–1972) | 1933
Portrait of Mela Kempinski (1908-1973) | 1933
Oil on canvas
92 x 73 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Bild Recht Wien 2022)
Porträt des Sohnes Peter (1918–2018) | 1936
Portrait of his son Peter (1918–2018) | 1936
Oil on canvas
46,5 x 38,5 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Bildrecht Wien 2022 )
Porträt Dr. Joseph Chapiro (1893–1962) | 1928
Portrait of Dr. Joseph Chapiro (1893–1962) | 1928
Oil on canvas
94 x 76 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Bildrecht Wien 2022 )

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