
Dora Bromberger

1881 Bremen — 1942 Minsk

We are currently working on this biography. Our website is under development and continuously being updated. We thank you for your understanding.

Further information can be found in our collection catalogue “We haven’t seen each other for so long. Art of the Lost Generation. Böhme Collection”. This is available here.

Artist works

Landscape with Houses | no date
Öl auf Holz
42 x 52 cm
(Photo: © Hubert Auer, © Dora Bromberger )

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Obst-und Gemüsestillleben | 1933
Arnold Hartleff
1888 - 1978
Büste (Selbstporträt) | o. D.
Alfred Frank
1884 - 1945
Dunkelhaarige Dame im Lehnstuhl | o. D.
Julie Wolfthorn
1864 - 1944
Stillleben mit Blumensträußen | 1962
Erich Colm-Bialla
1891 - 1972
Harlekin mit Affe | um 1930
Hermann Nonnenmacher
1892 - 1988
Am Biertisch | o. D.
Alexander Gerbig
1878 - 1948