Die Versuchung | 1934
Die Versuchung | 1934
Die Versuchung | 1934

Die Versuchung | 1934

Erwin Hinrichs

1904 Schleswig — 1962 Rendsburg

In 1916 Hinrichs was introduced to the Wandervogel group of the youth association Freideutsche Jugend by a renowned painter from his neighbourhood. Hinrichs decided to become a painter even before finishing school. After taking his final high-school exams in 1924, he moved to Munich, where he attended a private school for the visual arts that was run by Hans Hofmann. Hinrichs attended each winter semester from 1924 to 1929, and spent the summer months studying with his friend Hans Holtorf in Langballig in his home region. In 1927, Hinrichs travelled to Italy and stayed there for some time. He completed his studies in Munich in 1929, and then went to Rendsburg in Schleswig-Holstein to live as a freelance painter.

Artist works

Die Versuchung | 1934
Temptation | 1934
Oil on canvas
87 x 63 cm
(Photo: Florian Stürzenbaum © Erwin Hinrichs)

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