Porträt einer Dame im roten Kleid | 1942
Porträt einer Dame im roten Kleid | 1942
Porträt einer Dame im roten Kleid | 1942

Porträt einer Dame im roten Kleid | 1942

Felka Platek

1899 Warschau — 1944 Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp

Felka Platek was born in Warsaw when it still belonged to the Russian Empire, and she lived with her parents in a Jewish quarter of the city. She moved to Berlin in 1923/24 to begin her studies, and attended the Lewin-Funcke School in Charlottenburg to learn portrait painting. It was in 1924/25, in the class of Ludwig Meidner, that she met her later husband Felix Nussbaum. When Nussbaum won a scholarship to stay in the Villa Massimo in Rome, Platek moved there with him in October 1932. In May 1933, an incident occurred that was to have serious consequences for both of them. The painter Hanns Hubertus Graf von Merveldt also had a scholarship to stay in the Villa, and an argument between him and Nussbaum ended in fisticuffs. Merveldt, Platek and Nussbaum were thereupon all expelled from the Villa Massimo.

Artist works

Porträt einer Dame im roten Kleid | 1942
Portrait, presumably of Mme. Etienne | 1942
Oil on canvas
78 x 57,5 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Felka Platek )

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