
Adolf de Haer

1892 Düsseldorf — 1944 Osnabrück

We are currently working on this biography. Our website is under development and continuously being updated. We thank you for your understanding.

Further information can be found in our collection catalogue “We haven’t seen each other for so long. Art of the Lost Generation. Böhme Collection”. This is available here.

Artist works

On the beach | 1940
Oil on Canvas
150 x 121 cm
(Foto: Hubert Auer )
Female Semi-Nude with Pearl Necklace | 1943
pastel on paper
98,4 x 68,4 cm
(Foto: Hubert Auer)
In the Studio | no date
oil on canvas
71,6 x 81 cm
(Foto: Hubert Auer)

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1876 - 1971
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1891 - 1964
Franz Frank
1897 - 1986
Selbstbildnis | o. D.
Lydia Elfriede Luzie Thum
1886 - 1952
Damenporträt  | o. D.
Julie Hochsinger
1875 - 1941
Porträt einer jungen Dame | o. D.
Arthur Kaufmann
1888 - 1971