Flieder vor dem Fenster | 1929
Flieder vor dem Fenster | 1929
Flieder am Fenster | 1929

Flieder am Fenster | 1929

Georg Heck

1897 Frankfurt am Main — 1982 Frankfurt am Main

Georg Heck was born in Frankfurt am Main. Heck completed an apprenticeship as a metalsmith, and from 1914 to 1916 he was a factory worker at the Adlerwerke in Frankfurt. He was drafted in 1916, taken prisoner in France, and only allowed to return home again in 1920. In 1921, Heck began working again at the Adlerwerke, where he lost his right eye in a factory accident. In 1923–24, Heck registered at the Städel Art Institute in Frankfurt, where he attended the landscape classes given by Andreas Egersdörfer and studied portraiture and the graphic arts under Emil Gies. In 1925, he also studied under Johann Vincenz Cissarz at the School of Arts and Crafts in Frankfurt. In 1928, he joined the masterclass of Max Beckmann, of which he probably remained an official member until 1932.

Artist works

Ohne Titel | 1968
No title | 1968
Gouache on handmade paper
12,5 x 17 cm
(Photo: Florian Stürzenbaum © Georg Heck)
Abstrakte Komposition | um 1960
Abstract composition | um 1960
Ink and opaque white on paper
15 x 14 cm
(Photo: Florian Stürzenbaum © Georg Heck)
Zwei Rückenakte | 1939
Two nudes from the back | 1939
Ink on brown paper
40 x 33 cm
(Photo: Florian Stürzenbaum © Georg Heck)
Abstrakte Farbkomposition | 1948
Composition | 1948
Chalk on Japan paper
31 x 40 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Georg Heck)
Flieder am Fenster | 1929
Lilac in front of the window | 1929
Oil on canvas
80 x 44 cm
(Photo: Florian Stürzenbaum © Georg Heck )

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