Bertel | 1939
Bertel | 1939
Fridel mit Fliederstrauß | 1930

Fridel mit Fliederstrauß | 1930

Heinrich Friedrich Steiauf

1908 Groß-Zimmern — 1968 Frankfurt am Main

Heinrich Friedrich Steiauf, a previously little-known master-class student of Max Beckmann, completed an apprenticeship as a decorative and advertising painter from 1922 to 1925. His death certificate describes him not only as a fine artist but also as an interior designer. He also worked on mural designs in all techniques and carried out restorations. Starting in October 1927, Steiauf studied at the Frankfurt Art School (also known as the “Städelschule”), initially under Hugo Bäppler. A year later, he transferred to the Free Painting class led by Johann Vincenz Cissarz. In parallel, beginning in 1928, he undertook part of his training with the Frankfurt Artists’ Society. In 1931, he was finally accepted into Max Beckmann’s master class. However, with the disbandment of Beckmann’s master class by the National Socialists and Steiauf’s expulsion from the Städelschule on March 31, 1933, he was forced to abandon his education. The public defamation cost him his livelihood, plunging him into financial hardship. As a result, Steiauf mostly painted away from the public art scene thereafter.

Only the remaining works of this still largely unknown painter, along with a few archived documents, provide clues about his training and artistic development. After his expulsion from the Städelschule, he primarily produced landscapes and flower paintings, as well as a few private portraits.

Artist works

Winterabend im Taunus | 1930
Winter evening in the Taunus | 1930
Pastel chalk on cardboard
60 x 44 cm
(Foto: Hubert Auer © Hein Steiauf)
Winterabend mit Bahnschranke | 1933
Winter Evening at a Railroad Crossing | 1933
Oil on canvas
45 x 65 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Hein Steiauf)
Fridel mit Fliederstrauß | 1930
"Friedel" with Bouquet of Lilacs | 1930
Oil on canvas
73 x 53 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Hein Steiauf)
Porträt Fridel Battenberg (1880-1965) | 1929
Girl Daydreaming | 1929
Oil on canvas
70.5 x 39 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Hein Steiauf)
Im Luftschutzkeller | 1950
In the Air Raid Shelter | 1950
Oil on board
138 x 55 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Hein Steiauf)
Im Morgengrauen (den Opfern) | o. D.
At Dawn (the Victims) | no date
Oil on canvas
95 x 52 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Hein Steiauf)
Blick durchs Goldfischglas | o. D.
View Through the Goldfish Bowl | no date
Oil on artist‘s board
62 x 30 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Hein Steiauf)
Mahner Rufer Trommler | 1948-50
Admonisher Caller Drummer | 1948-50
Oil on canvas
116 x 90 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Hein Steiauf)
Liegender Männerakt | o. D.
Reclining Male Nude | no date
oil on burlap
127 x 69 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Hein Steiauf)
Lotti und Manfred | 1934
Lotti and Manfred | 1934
oil on canvas
46 x 73.5 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Hein Steiauf)
Bertel | 1939
Bertel | 1939
in on paper
38 x 17 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Hein STeiauf)
Pferde | 1942
Horses | 1942
pastel on paper
44 x 54 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Hein Steiauf)

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Arbeiterfrau mit Kind | 1925
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Dame mit Perlenkette | 1920
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Kubistisches Stillleben mit Mandoline | o. D.
Marianne Brandt
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Selbstporträt | o. D.
Carl Lohse
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Das Frühstück | 1934
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