Adam und Eva | 1926
Adam und Eva | 1926
Adam und Eva | 1926

Adam und Eva | 1926

Otto Friedrich Weber

1890 Elberfeld — 1956 Wuppertal

As the son of a master locksmith, Weber was originally intended to follow in his father’s footsteps. But at the recommendation of his drawing teacher, he studied with Max Bernuth at the Wuppertal School of Industrial Art. Together with Gert Wollheim, Weber went on hiking and painting tours in Westphalia. Weber continued his art studies under Carl Bantzer at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts, then in Munich. Weber was able to travel to Paris in circa 1910. He exhibited there at the Salon d’Automne in 1911 and 1913, where, as the only German artist. He travelled to Spain in 1914, where he joined the artists’ colony in Barcelona alongside Robert and Sonia Delaunay. He married Maria Elisabeth Prestel and took on work as a political caricaturist.

Artist works

Adam und Eva | 1926
Adam and Eve | 1926
Oil on canvas
150 x 80 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Otto Friedrich Weber)

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