Gesellschaft am Tisch im Garten | 1963
Gesellschaft am Tisch im Garten | 1963
Gesellschaft am Tisch im Garten | 1963

Gesellschaft am Tisch im Garten | 1963

Grete Csaki–Copony

1893 Zernescht near Kronstadt — 1990 Berlin

As the daughter of a member of parliament in Budapest, Grete Csaki-Copony was able to attend two private art schools. She lived in Berlin in 1911 and 1912, where she studied at the drawing and painting school of the Association of lady artists. In 1916, she attended the Budapest Academy of Fine Arts for several months. In 1917 she married Richard Csaki. She was given her first solo exhibition in 1918 in Hermannstadt.

Artist works

Gesellschaft am Tisch im Garten | 1963
In company, at a table in the garden | 1963
Oil on vellum
50 x 89 cm
(Photo: Florian Stürzenbaum © Grete Csaki-Copony )

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