Teichlandschaft | 1932
Teichlandschaft | 1932
Teichlandschaft | 1932

Teichlandschaft | 1932

Hans Feibusch

1898 Frankfurt am Main — 1998 London

Feibusch served as a solder in the trenches on the Russian Front from 1916 to 1918. He began studying medicine in Munich, but then moved to the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin in 1920, where he studied under Karl Hofer and became his master student. He travelled to Italy from 1921 to 1923 in order to study. He then stayed in Paris from 1923 to 1924 to study with Othon Friesz and André Lhote, and participated there in exhibitions of the Salon d’Automne and the Salon des Indépendants. Feibusch returned to Frankfurt am Main in 1925, and became a member of the Frankfurt Artists’ Association. In 1931, he was awarded the Great State Prize for painting. In 1933, Feibusch went into exile, emigrating to London.


Artist works

Teichlandschaft | 1932
Pond landscape | 1932
Oil on canvas
70 x 110 cm
(Photo: Florian Stürzenbaum © Bildrecht Wien 2022)
Still Life with Busts and Autumn Leaves | no date
Oil on Canvas
61 x 81,5 cm
(Photo: © Hubert Auer, © Bildrecht Wien 2023)

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