Blumenstillleben | 1929
Blumenstillleben | 1929
Blumenstillleben | 1929

Blumenstillleben | 1929

Franz Frank

1897 Kirchheim unter Teck — 1986 Marburg

Franz Frank was born in Kirchheim unter Teck, the son of a doctor. After serving in the First World War, Frank initially studied philosophy, philology and art history at the University of Erlangen. He transferred to Tübingen in 1920, where he also took drawing lessons from Heinrich Seufferheld. Frank then studied at the Stuttgart Academy of Fine Arts from 1921 to 1925, where he first joined the drawing class run by Arnold Waldschmidt and in 1923 entered the painting class of Robert Breyer. In 1925, Frank was able to exhibit his paintings for the first time at the Academy in Stuttgart, and an exhibition followed at the Dresden Art Association in 1927. That same year, he married Erika Münckner, a teacher. From 1928 onwards, he participated regularly in the exhibitions of the association Die Juryfreien in Berlin.


Artist works

Blumenstillleben | 1929
Floral still life (attr.) | 1929
Oil on canvas
45,5 x 37,5 cm
(Photo: Florian Stürzenbaum © Bildrecht Wien 2022 )

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