Frauenrückenakt | um 1920
Frauenrückenakt | um 1920
Frauenrückenakt | um 1920

Frauenrückenakt | um 1920

Katharina Heise

1891 Groß Salze — 1964 Halle (Saale)

Katharina Heise defied her parents’ wishes by attending the School of Arts and Crafts in Magdeburg. In 1912, she enrolled in the private Ladies’ Painting School run by Ferdinand Dorsch in Dresden. In 1913, Heise went to Paris along with her sister Annemarie Heise, who was also an artist. Katharina continued studying there, attending the Academie de La Palette, the Academie Ranson and the Academie de la Grande Chaumiere. Back in Germany, Heise was about to return to Paris when the First World War broke out in 1914. So she stayed in Berlin, where she became friends with Kathe Kollwitz, whose studio she took over in the Tiergarten.

Artist works

Frauenrückenakt | um 1920
Female nude from the back | um 1920
Oil on canvas
65 x 53 cm

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