Porträt Hertha Schaeffer | o. D.
Porträt Hertha Schaeffer | o. D.
Porträt Hertha Schaeffer | o. D.

Porträt Hertha Schaeffer | o. D.

Paula Gans

1883 Hronow — 1941 Hamburg

Paula Gans was born in Hronow near Prague in 1883. She and her brother Richard emigrated to Germany in 1920. She joined the Hamburg Artists’ Association and became friends with the painter Hertha Spielberg. In 1932, Gans and Spielberg travelled to Paris and the south of France. Because she was Jewish, life for Gans in Hamburg became more and more restricted, despite her Czech citizenship. Already in 1933, Gans was excluded from the Hamburg Artists’ Association. In 1935, she was forbidden from exhibiting her work in public. She showed her works at the Jewish Cultural Association.


Artist works

Porträt Hertha Schaeffer | o. D.
Portrait, presumably of Gertrud Schaeffer (1892-1960) | no date
Oil on canvas
105 x 75 cm
(Photo: Florian Stürzenbaum © Paula Gans)
Akt vor grünem und blauem Tuch | o. D.
Nude in front of green and blue cloth | no date
Oil on canvas
81 x 55 cm
(Photo: Florian Stürzenbaum © Paula Gans)
Porträt des Bruders Richard (1877-1941) | o. D.
Portrait of her Brother Richard (1877-1941) | no date
oil on canvas
64 x 53.5 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Paula Gans )

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