Flötenkind | o. D.
Flötenkind | o. D.
Flötenkind | o. D.

Flötenkind | o. D.

Hella Jacobs

1905 Hamburg — 1974 Hamburg

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Further information can be found in our collection catalogue “We haven’t seen each other for so long. Art of the Lost Generation. Böhme Collection”. This is available here.

Artist works

Flötenkind | o. D.
Girl with Flute | no date
Oil on canvas
70 x 60 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Hella Jacobs)

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1888 - 1966
Am Biertisch | o. D.
Alexander Gerbig
1878 - 1948
Zirkus | 1933
Julius Graumann
1878 - 1944
Blumenstillleben | 1929
Franz Frank
1897 - 1986
Häuser im Wald | o. D.
August Wilhelm Dressler
1886 - 1970
Porträt Prof. Heinrich Nicolini (1883-1961) | 1926
Heinrich Kamps
1896 - 1954