Waldbach | 1943
Waldbach | 1943
Waldbach | 1943

Waldbach | 1943

Eduard Bäumer

1892 Kastellaun (DEU) — 1977 München (DE

Eduard Bäumer was born in Kastellaun in Hunsrück. His family moved to Frankfurt am Main in 1895. After the early death of his father in 1904, the Frankfurt orphanage took on responsibility for the children. The orphanage helped Bäumer to begin an apprenticeship with a decorator in Frankfurt. He also attended evening classes at the School of Arts and Crafts. In 1911, Bäumer’s mother died, and he began studies at the Städel Art Institute, though these were interrupted when the First World War broke out in 1914. After the end of the war, Bäumer returned to the Städel Institute in Frankfurt, where he joined the master studio until 1922. In 1923, he married a fellow student, Valerie Feix, who was Jewish.

Artist works

Waldbach | 1943
Forest stream | 1943
mixed technique on paper
51 x 72 cm
(Photo: Florian Stürzenbaum, © Angelica Bäumer, Wien)
Blick auf Nonnberg und Hohensalzburg | 1934
View of Nonnberg and Hohensalzburg | 1934
watercolour on paperboard
44 x 59 cm
(Photo: Florian Stürzenbaum, © Angelica Bäumer, Wien)

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