Damenporträt | vor 1935

Damenporträt | vor 1935

Ruth Cahn

1875 Frankfurt — 1966

We are currently working on this biography. Our website is under development and continuously being updated. We thank you for your understanding.

Further information can be found in our collection catalogue “We haven’t seen each other for so long. Art of the Lost Generation. Böhme Collection”. This is available here.

Artist works

Damenporträt | vor 1935
Female Portrait | before 1935
Oil on canvas
70 x 49.5 cm
(Photo: Hubert Auer © Ruth Cahn)

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Alte Frau am Wege (Elsass) | o. D.
Jakob Nussbaum
1873 - 1936
Arthur Erdle
1889 - 1961
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1893 - 1972
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1887 - 1968