Stehender weiblicher Akt | 1927
Stehender weiblicher Akt | 1927
Stehender weiblicher Akt | 1927

Stehender weiblicher Akt | 1927

Arnold Fiedler

1900 Hamburg — 1985 Hamburg

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Further information can be found in our collection catalogue “We haven’t seen each other for so long. Art of the Lost Generation. Böhme Collection”. This is available here.

Artist works

Stehender weiblicher Akt | 1927
Standing female nude | 1927
Oil on canvas
62 x 37 cm
(Photo: Florian Stürzenbaum © Bildrecht Wien 2022 )
Big City by Night | 1953
Oil on cardboard
40 x 60 cm
(Photo: © Hubert Auer, © Bildrecht Wien 2023)

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