BEYOND BECKMANN Exhibition Catalogue
The students of Max Beckmann’s master class (1925-1933) were among the most promising talents of the Frankfurt Art School (also known as the “Städel School”). Nevertheless, they are little known today. Their talent was repeatedly overshadowed throughout the course of the 20th century: By the great name of their teacher, through censorship and defamation from the National Socialists, and due to the destruction of their works during the Second World War. These circumstances affected the cultural visibility of an entire generation.
BEYOND BECKMANN. From the Master Class to the Böhme Collection is the first large-scale exhibition dedicated to twelve of the master class artists in an Austrian art museum. The Böhme Collection holds a total of 101 works from these master class students. From them, around 40 representative artworks trace the lives of these artists, from being students of Max Beckmann to becoming members of the Böhme Collection.
90 years after the dissolution of the master class, these artists are once again reunited, this time under the canon of the Lost Generation.
Exhibited artists: Carla Brill, Inge Hergenhahn-Dinand, Theo Garve, Ottokar Gräbner, Georg Heck, Anna Krüger, Leo Maillet, Friedrich Wilhelm Meyer, Marie-Louise von Motesiczky, Alfred Nungesser, Heinrich Friedrich Steiauf and Karl Tratt.
This publication is only available in German.
Diese Publikation erscheint anlässlich der Ausstellung
BEYOND BECKMANN. Von der Meisterklasse bis zur Sammlung Böhme
Museum Kunst der Verlorenen Generation Salzburg
12. Mai 2023 – 28. September 2024
Unter der Schirmherrschaft des Landeshauptmanns von Salzburg Dr. Wilfried Haslauer
Herausgegeben von
Museum Kunst der Verlorenen Generation, Salzburg
Prof. Dr. Heinz R. Böhme gemeinnützige Stiftung
Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 12/1. Stock
5020 Salzburg
GZ 2020-0.144.410, ERsB: 9110028689475
Heinz R. Böhme
Wilfried Haslauer
Marie-Christin Gebhardt
Maximiliane Seng
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit
Sarah Hofstätter
Colette Ward
Melanie Binggl
Erschienen im
Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz GmbH
Großwolfgers 29
3970 Weitra
Printed in Austria
© 2023 Museum Kunst der Verlorenen Generation; sowie die Autorinnen und Autoren
Cover: Ottokar Gräbner: Selbst an der Staffelei im Freien, 1950
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