Dame mit Perlenkette | 1920

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We haven’t forgotten you!

New works from the Böhme Collection

10th April 2019 - 30th June 2020  

Since October 2017, the art collector Prof. Dr Heinz Böhme has been exhibiting an extraordinary collection in his private museum in the heart of the old city of Salzburg. Under the title “We haven’t forgotten you! New works from the Böhme Collection”, the Museum is now presenting its second exhibition of oil paintings, graphic works and sculptures by artists who were regarded as “degenerate” during the era of National Socialism. Although they had up to that point enjoyed successful careers and had participated in numerous exhibitions at home and abroad, the advent of the Nazis saw these artists vilified, barred from their profession, and variously compelled to emigrate or even deported.


Most of these artists had studied with famous teachers such as Max Beckmann, Henri Matisse, Lovis Corinth, Paul Klee or Oskar Kokoschka, and had attended renowned art schools. Many of them had founded or belonged to assorted groups of artists such as the Berlin and Hamburg Secession, the Hagenbund, the Young Rhineland or the Cologne Progressives. What they all have in common is that they suffered from political circumstances both in their personal lives, and in being deprived of artistic success. Numerous works of art were destroyed or taken abroad; with luck, some were able to be stored safely in secret.

Over the course of many years of painstaking research, Dr Böhme has traced the life histories of these “lost” artists and the whereabouts of their works, all in an endeavour to fill this gap in art history and bring it to general attention. His art collection today comprises more than 300 works of this, the second generation of Modernists, and reflects the stylistic pluralism of their time. It is the intention of this Museum to make the public aware of these artists, their life stories and the creative power that is expressed in their paintings, and also to preserve these for future generations.


The Museum also conveys the remarkable passion of the collector behind it, who has created a welcoming atmosphere in its exhibition spaces – inviting its visitors to enter, to stay, and to engage in an act of discovery. The collector himself is usually present in the Museum, and is happy to share his knowledge and his passion with the public. With this Museum of Art of the Lost Generation, Dr Böhme is providing these artists and their works with the appreciative recognition they deserve, but which has been denied them for so long.

Works in the exhibition

Großsegler auf hoher See | 1927

Heinrich Emil Adametz (1884 - 1972)

Tall ships on the high seas | 1927

Porträt Dr. Rudolf Cahn-Speyer (1981–1940) | 1933

Heinz Battke (1900 - 1966)

Portrait of Dr. Rudolf Cahn-Speyer (1881–1940) | 1933

Herrenporträt Otto von Rottenburg | o. D.

Hanna Bekker vom Rath (1893 - 1983)

Portrait of Otto von Rottenburg (1885-1945) | no date

Selbstbildnis als Maler | 1930

Heinz Battke (1900 - 1966)

Self-portrait, drawing | 1930

Komposition im weißen Feld | 1931/32

Herbert Behrens-Hangeler (1898 - 1981)

Composition in a white field | 1931/32

Herrenporträt | o. D.

Hanna Bekker vom Rath (1893 - 1983)

Portrait of a man | 1922

Die Gruppe Ghat | 1920

Emil Betzler (1892 - 1974)

The Ghat Group | 1920

Die Sünde | 1931

Hans Breinlinger (1888 - 1963)

Sin | 1931

Venezianisches Glas | o. D.

Gottfried Brockmann (1903 - 1983)

Venetian glass | no date

Blumen in einer bemalten Vase | 1938

Walter Denecke (1906 - 1975)

Flowers in a painted vase | 1938

Akt einer jungen Frau auf grünem Sofa | 1911

Eduard Dollerschell (1887 - 1946)

Nude of a young woman on a green sofa | 1911

Selbstporträt | 1925

Paul Elsas (1896 - 1981)

Self-portrait | 1925

Weib mit Blume | o. D.

Heinrich Esser (1895 - 1985)

Woman with flower | no date

Drei Personen | 1948

Heinrich Esser (1895 - 1985)

Three people | 1948

Zwei Männer im Gespräch | 1949

Heinrich Esser (1895 - 1985)

Two men in conversation | 1949

Raucher und zwei Frauen | o. D.

Heinrich Esser (1895 - 1985)

Smoker and two women | no date

Tafelrunde | o. D.

Heinrich Esser (1895 - 1985)

Company at table | no date

Porträt vermutlich Paul Westheim (1886–1963) | 1950

Heinrich Esser (1895 - 1985)

Portrait, presumably of Paul Westheim (1886–1963) | 1950

Männerporträt | o. D.

Heinrich Esser (1895 - 1985)

Portrait of a man | no date

Zwei Frauen am Tisch | 1938

Klara Ewald-Weinhold (1903 - 1999)

Two women at a table | 1938

Stillleben mit Alpenveilchen | 1934

Lore Feldberg-Eber (1895 - 1966)

Still life with cyclamen | 1934

Stehender weiblicher Akt | 1927

Arnold Fiedler (1900 - 1985)

Standing female nude | 1927

Der Maler und sein Modell | o. D.

Walter Frankenstein (1918 - 2010)

The painter and his model | no date

Selection | o. D.

Adolf Frankl (1903 - 1983)

Selection | no date

Häuser am Wall (Neuruppin)  | 1924

Ernst Fritsch (1892 - 1965)

Houses by the wall (Neuruppin) | 1924

Friedhofstraße in Berlin | o. D.

Ernst Fritsch (1892 - 1965)

Friedhofstraße in Berlin | no date

Frau und Stuhlturm | 1936

Theo Garve (1902 - 1987)

Woman with stack of chairs | 1936

Poträt eines jungen Mädchens | 1925

Bernhard Gobiet (1892 - 1945)

Portrait of a young girl | 1925

Der Maler in seinem Atelier | 1951

Ottokar Gräbner (1904 - 1972)

The painter in his studio | 1951

Weiblicher Akt mit Kopfbedeckung | 1926

Samuel Solomonovich Granovsky (1889 - 1942)

Female nude with head covering | 1926

Zirkus | 1933

Julius Graumann (1878 - 1944)

Circus | 1933

Herrenporträt | 1942

Erich Grün (1915 - 2009)

Portrait of a man | 1942

Interieur mit Blick auf Stuttgart | o. D.

Alice Haarburger (1891 - 1942)

Interior with a view of Stuttgart | no date

Allegorie des Lebens | o. D.

Hilde Hamann (1898 - 1987)

Allegory of life | no date

Abstrakte Komposition | um 1960

Georg Heck (1897 - 1982)

Abstract composition | around 1960

Früchtestillleben mit Krug | 1936

Marianne Herberg (1901 - 1991)

Still life with fruit and jug | 1936

Gläser vor dem Fenster | o. D.

Joachim Heuer (1900 - 1994)

Glasses in front of the window | no date

Weiblicher Akt nach dem Bade | 1927

Rudolf Jacobi (1889 - 1972)

Female nude before bathing | 1927

Weiblicher Akt an der Badewanne  | um 1920

Annot Jacobi (1894 - 1981)

Female nude at the bathtub | um 1920

Glockenblumen und Iris | 1920

Rudolf Jacobi (1889 - 1972)

Hairbells and iris | 1920

Selbstbildnis mit Aktmodell Elisabeth | 1940

Arthur Kaufmann (1888 - 1971)

Self-portrait with nude model Elisabeth | 1940

An der Küste | o. D.

Arthur Kaufmann (1888 - 1971)

At the coast | no date

Junge Frau mit weißem Pelzkragen | o. D.

Arthur Kaufmann (1888 - 1971)

Young woman with white fur collar | no date

Verschlungene Formen | o. D.

Paul Knothe (1897 - 1988)

Winding forms | no date

Stillleben mit geometrischen Formen | 1917

Federico Kromka (1890 - 1942)

Still life with geometric forms | 1917

Melancholie | 1946

Will Küpper (1893 - 1972)

Melancholy | 1946

Porträt Dr. Siegmund Müller (1881–1938) | o. D.

Sabine Lepsius (1864 - 1942)

Portrait of Dr Siegmund Müller (1881-1938) | no date

Grüne Äpfel | 1905-06

Käthe Loewenthal (1878 - 1942)

Green apples | 1905/06

Frau mit Kind an einem Baumstumpf | 1915

Jakob Löw (1887 - 1968)

Woman with child on a tree stump | 1915

Porträt der Frau Berta Ludwig | o. D.

Friedrich Ludwig (1895 - 1970)

Portrait of Wife Berta Ludwig | no date

Porträt Robert Wolfgang Schnell (1916–1986) | 1935

Kurt Nantke (1900 - 1979)

Portrait of Robert Wolfgang Schnell (1916–1986) | 1935

Alte Frau am Wege (Elsass) | o. D.

Jakob Nussbaum (1873 - 1936)

Peasant Woman Outside Village (Alsace) | no date

Am Kanal | 1943

Erwin Oehl (1907 - 1988)

By the canal | 1943

Porträt einer Dame im roten Kleid | 1942

Felka Platek (1899 - 1944)

Portrait, presumably of Mme. Etienne | 1942

Der Traum | 1967

Albert Reuss (1889 - 1975)

The dream | 1967

Selbstporträt | 1920

Albert Reuss (1889 - 1975)

Self-portrait | 1920

Stillleben | 1936

Elisabeth Ronget-Bohm (1899 - 1980)

Still life | 1936

Lesendes Paar am Tisch | 1933

Elisabeth Ronget-Bohm (1899 - 1980)

Couple at table, reading | 1933

Damenporträt  | 1924

Heinrich F. A. Schelhasse (1896 - 1977)

Portrait of a lady | 1924

Stillleben mit Spielzeug und Zeitung | 1930

Friedrich Wilhelm Schirrmacher (1893 - 1948)

Still life with toy and newspaper | 1930

Näherinnen | o. D.

Lene Schneider-Kainer (1885 - 1971)

Seamstresses | no date

Dame mit schwarzer Kappe | o. D.

Hertha Spielberg (1890 - 1977)

Lady with a black cap | no date

Porträt Dr. Joseph Chapiro (1893–1962) | 1928

Eugen Spiro (1874 - 1972)

Portrait of Dr. Joseph Chapiro (1893–1962) | 1928

Dame mit Perlenkette | 1920

Heinrich Stegemann (1888 - 1945)

Lady with a pearl necklace | 1920

Mädchenbildnis | 1949

Horst Strempel (1904 - 1975)

Portrait of a girl | 1949

Vier Personen im Café | um 1928

Karl Tratt (1900 - 1937)

Four people in a café | no date

Im Badehaus | um 1933

Karl Tratt (1900 - 1937)

In the bathhouse | 1933

Straßenszene mit Gepäckmann | um 1932

Karl Tratt (1900 - 1937)

Street Scene | ca 1932

Stillleben mit Flasche | o. D.

Karl Tratt (1900 - 1937)

Still life with bottle and flower pot | no date

Widerstand | o. D.

Karl Hermann Trinkaus (1904 - 1965)

Resistance | no date

We couldn't find the image

( - )


Tanzabend Manda von Kreibig | 1923

Erwin von Kreibig (1904 - 1961)

Dance evening by Manda Erwin von Kreibig | 1923

Adam und Eva | 1926

Otto Friedrich Weber (1890 - 1956)

Adam and Eve | 1926

Auf der Bühne | o. D.

Erich Wegner (1899 - 1980)

On stage | no date

Dunkelhaarige Dame im Lehnstuhl | o. D.

Julie Wolfthorn (1864 - 1944)

Dark-haired woman in an armchair | no date

Porträt Dr. Friedrich Maase (1878–1959) | o. D.

Gert Heinrich Wollheim (1894 - 1974)

Portrait of Dr Friedrich Maase (1878-1959) | 1960

Selbstbildnis  | um 1915

Gert Heinrich Wollheim (1894 - 1974)

Self-portrait | ca 1915

Dynamischer Tanz. Gret Palucca (1902–1993) | um 1925

Ottilie Johanna Wollmann (1882 - 1944)

Dynamic Dance - Gret Palucca (1902-1993) | ca 1925

Dame im Café | o. D.

Richard Ziegler (1891 - 1992)

Lady in a café | no date

Artists in the exhibition

Selbstporträt mit Pfeife | 1955

Heinrich Emil Adametz

1884 - 1972

Porträt Dr. Rudolf Cahn-Speyer (1981–1940) | 1933

Heinz Battke

1900 - 1966

Komposition im weißen Feld | 1931/32

Herbert Behrens-Hangeler

1898 - 1981

Blumen in gelber Vase  | 1928

Hanna Bekker vom Rath

1893 - 1983

Die Gruppe Ghat | 1920

Emil Betzler

1892 - 1974

Die Sünde | 1931

Hans Breinlinger

1888 - 1963

Venezianisches Glas | o. D.

Gottfried Brockmann

1903 - 1983

Blumen in einer bemalten Vase | 1938

Walter Denecke

1906 - 1975

Akt einer jungen Frau auf grünem Sofa | 1911

Eduard Dollerschell

1887 - 1946

Selbstporträt | 1925

Paul Elsas

1896 - 1981

Tafelrunde | o. D.

Heinrich Esser

1895 - 1985

Clara Ewald-Weinhold (1903–1999) und Freundin | um 1928

Reinhold Ewald

1890 - 1974

Stillleben mit Alpenveilchen | 1934

Lore Feldberg-Eber

1895 - 1966

Der Maler und sein Modell | o. D.

Walter Frankenstein

1918 - 2010

Selection | o. D.

Adolf Frankl

1903 - 1983

Häuser am Wall (Neuruppin)  | 1924

Ernst Fritsch

1892 - 1965

Zwei Zirkusartisten | 1967

Theo Garve

1902 - 1987

Der Maler in seinem Atelier | 1951

Ottokar Gräbner

1904 - 1972

Weiblicher Akt mit Kopfbedeckung | 1926

Samuel Solomonovich Granovsky

1889 - 1942

Zirkus | 1933

Julius Graumann

1878 - 1944

Herrenporträt | 1942

Erich Grün

1915 - 2009

Interieur mit Blick auf Stuttgart | o. D.

Alice Haarburger

1891 - 1942

Allegorie des Lebens | o. D.

Hilde Hamann

1898 - 1987

Flieder am Fenster | 1929

Georg Heck

1897 - 1982

Früchtestillleben mit Krug | 1936

Marianne Herberg

1901 - 1991

Zitronenpresse mit Obst | o. D.

Joachim Heuer

1900 - 1994

Weiblicher Akt an der Badewanne  | um 1920

Annot Jacobi

1894 - 1981

Glockenblumen und Iris | 1920

Rudolf Jacobi

1889 - 1972

Porträt einer jungen Dame | o. D.

Arthur Kaufmann

1888 - 1971

Das Dach der Welt | 1959

Paul Knothe

1897 - 1988

Stillleben mit geometrischen Formen | 1917

Federico Kromka

1890 - 1942

Melancholie | 1946

Will Küpper

1893 - 1972

Porträt Dr. Siegmund Müller (1881–1938) | o. D.

Sabine Lepsius

1864 - 1942

Grüne Äpfel | 1905-06

Käthe Loewenthal

1878 - 1942

Frau mit Kind an einem Baumstumpf | 1915

Jakob Löw

1887 - 1968

Porträt der Mutter Anna Babara | 1937

Friedrich Ludwig

1895 - 1970

Porträt Robert Wolfgang Schnell (1916–1986) | 1935

Kurt Nantke

1900 - 1979

Alte Frau am Wege (Elsass) | o. D.

Jakob Nussbaum

1873 - 1936

Unterwegs | 1945

Erwin Oehl

1907 - 1988

Porträt einer Dame im roten Kleid | 1942

Felka Platek

1899 - 1944

Der Traum | 1967

Albert Reuss

1889 - 1975

Stillleben | 1936

Elisabeth Ronget-Bohm

1899 - 1980

Damenporträt  | 1924

Heinrich F. A. Schelhasse

1896 - 1977

Stillleben mit Spielzeug und Zeitung | 1930

Friedrich Wilhelm Schirrmacher

1893 - 1948

Näherinnen | o. D.

Lene Schneider-Kainer

1885 - 1971

Dame mit schwarzer Kappe | o. D.

Hertha Spielberg

1890 - 1977

Porträt Mela Kempinski (1884–1972) | 1933

Eugen Spiro

1874 - 1972

Dame mit Perlenkette | 1920

Heinrich Stegemann

1888 - 1945

Mädchenbildnis | 1949

Horst Strempel

1904 - 1975

Vier Personen im Café | um 1928

Karl Tratt

1900 - 1937

Widerstand | o. D.

Karl Hermann Trinkaus

1904 - 1965

Tanzabend Manda von Kreibig | 1923

Erwin von Kreibig

1904 - 1961

Adam und Eva | 1926

Otto Friedrich Weber

1890 - 1956

Auf der Bühne | o. D.

Erich Wegner

1899 - 1980

Dunkelhaarige Dame im Lehnstuhl | o. D.

Julie Wolfthorn

1864 - 1944

Selbstbildnis  | um 1915

Gert Heinrich Wollheim

1894 - 1974

Dynamischer Tanz. Gret Palucca (1902–1993) | um 1925

Ottilie Johanna Wollmann

1882 - 1944

Dame im Café | o. D.

Richard Ziegler

1891 - 1992